Privacy Policy
Thank you for visiting our website. PERFECT PLANKS is committed to protecting your private and personal information and to ensuring the security of that information. PERFECT PLANKS abhors the practice of "Spamming" (defined here as commercial email or unsolicited bulk email, including junk mail, which has not been requested by the recipient.)
As part of our business dealings with you we may request personal information.
Personal information may include your name, address, email address, telephone numbers, financial information and other information that you may give us from time to time.
Your personal information is used to provide you with products or services. This information may also be used for other related purposes, such as:
(1) identification of fraud or error;
(2) our internal accounting and management requirements;
(3) to allow us to keep in touch with you with new ideas or to follow up on services or products
purchased; or
(4) any personal information you provide to us will only be disclosed to third parties only as permitted by
Other than the above, we will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless such disclosure is either necessary to prevent a threat to life or health, is authorized or required by law, is reasonably necessary to enforce the law or is necessary to investigate suspected unlawful activity. All care is taken to protect your Personal Information however we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you provide to us or receive from us over the internet.
Should you have any issues relating to our policy or would like to provide feedback visit our contact us page.
Government privacy policy in Australia
To find out more about privacy issues and legislation in Australia, please visit the Australian Federal Privacy website at: www.privacy.gov.au.