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  • How much does it cost per ㎡  for supply and install of vinyl planks?
    We have many different styles of planks and they have different prices. Therefore, it's best we visit you to show you our many samples and see and measure your floor and to give you a quote once we know which plank you will choose and what's involved. All our samples are in full size and the actual product used. We are the only recommended installer for our suppliers. We have their full range at platinum price. Plus, we have our own range. We pass the saving onto our customers. Our aim is to offer the very best service and product at the lowest price. We believe we are the best value. 2mm to 3mm planks start from $50 includes supply standard floor preparation and installed per ㎡. 4mm to 5mm planks start from $60 includes supply standard floor preparation and installed per ㎡.
  • Can vinyl planks be installed straight over existing ceramic tiles or do they have to be prepared or removed first?
    Vinyl planks or hybrid or timber flooring shouldn't be installed straight over the top of ceramic tiles. They either need to be prepared first or if desired and if possible, they can be removed first. In most cases, it is best to prepare the tiles to install over the top. Below is a link to one of our many posts on ceramic tiles transformation on our Facebook page. It has a good explanation and before during and after pics. Cost of preparing the tiles is the same are removing them and fully preparing the slab for vinyl which is on average $30 per m2. But with removal, there can be some additional cost from other things you may not expect. Please see the link below to one of our post on our Facebook page on tile removal.
  • Can vinyl planks be installed over cork tiles?
    Yes, in most cases it's possible but some floor preparations are still required. Please see the link below of one of our post on our Facebook page on installation over cork.;0Xq1KU9PfpdB4ZnSgsJqL5~_EBwQzp~_QJqMulCyHdWB1d9DfqA0U7sFp8ALjiQX7w~-~-.bps.a.489894657803859/1343842625742387/?type=3&theater
  • Can vinyl planks be installed over vinyl tiles or sheet vinyl?
    If the vinyl has been glued and is secure it's possible but preparations are still required. But sometimes the vinyl can contain asbestos. Please see the link below of one of our post on our Facebook page of installation over vinyl.
  • When going over the top of ceramic tile do all tiles need grinding and cementing first? What is the process of preparing ceramic tiles for vinyl planks?
    To prepare tiles property so there are no problems and to acquire a smooth finish most tiles need grinding first unless they are larger rectified tiles with small grout lines that have been installed well. As for cementing, all tiles need cementing and all need priming first for the cement to adhere to any glossy coating remaining on the tiles. If not grinded the tiles need self-levelling first which much be at least 4mm higher than the highest point of the tile. This is a more expensive option and is a messier option but suitable for slate if it's not possible to remove. It also raises the level of your subfloor whereas grinding keeps the subfloor at the same height just makes it level. Keeping in mind the height of your floor will already increase with the height of the plank with is usually 5mm when going over the top of tiles. Add the height of the self-leveller and a skim coat after equals at 5mm that would add 10mm to the height of your floor which may affect all your doors and they may need trimming. The reason tiles need grinding priming and cementing is because they are uneven on the edges (have lips) and have grout lines that need filling. The grinding grinds down the high points and creates a key on the level surface. The low points need to be primed and filled with a fine sand less cement that covers holes up to 1mm deep each time. Usually, x3 coats are required because the differences in heights are on average 3mm deep. After grinding priming and cementing the floor gets sanded and has a very smooth glassy finish. Then vacuumed after to remove any sand which can cause planks to lift. All our grinding and sanding machines have vacuums attached for minimal dust. Vinyl planks are an amazing unbeatable product but the surface they are installed on must be completely smooth. So, attention to detail in every step of the preparation and installation is very important.
  • How many years can expect vinyl planks to last?
    In a residential property, if the floor is prepared properly and the planks are installed properly, it will last you a lifetime. In a commercial property at least the length of the warranty in high traffic areas.
  • What is involved in the installation process of vinyl planks?
    Each floor is different so depends on what's required but in general, before we arrive all furnishings need to be removed off all areas flooring will be installed. All edges get scraped. The floor gets sanded or lightly grinded then vacuumed. Then any form of cementing if required. From this moment we can't have anyone or any pets on the floor until completed because of wet cement and adhesive and sand. The area gets measured and guidelines for laying are made. Sections are glued. Fans can be used to help the glue go off. Then vinyl planks are installed in rows stepping in different lengths. Once a section is completed another section is glued and the previous section rolled. This continues until fully completed. Before leaving we triple check everything. Spares are left for the customer as replacements which need to be stored completely one on top of another to the mm on a completely flat surface.
  • Are vinyl planks suitable for wet areas?
    Vinyl planks can be installed in any room even on walls apart from inside a shower as long as the subfloor is suitable for vinyl planks. Vinyl planks can be installed in kitchens laundry toilets and bathrooms. But laundries and bathrooms, require a coat of screed with waterproofing agents added and waterproof adhesive.
  • What subfloors are suitable for vinyl planks?
    Ideally concrete or fibre cement. Chipboard sheeting is fine but not ideal because it's wood and expands and contracts. Timber flooring is not suitable and either needs to be removed or replaced or sheeted over preferably with fibre cement sheeting.
  • How can I replace damaged planks?
    Vinyl planks are hard to damage but very easy to replace compared to all other flooring options. Modular vinyl planks are very easy to replace making them an ideal flooring option, especially for rental and suitable commercial properties. It's as simple as cleaning the area well first. Pop up one corner with a utility knife. Lifting up and removing the plank/s. Placing the replacement plank/s in and smoothing it down. Dry back or glued (heavily) down planks are a little harder and ideally need a professional to do it. The area needs to be cleaned well first. Plank gets heated with a gas torch. Pop up one corner with a utility knife. Carefully and slowly pull it out. Carefully clean out all adhesive from the cavity with a scraper. Cut around all edges with a utility knife first. Thoroughly clean the area preferably with a vacuum. If you pulled up screed when removing the plank/s you will need to buy feather finish and carefully patch the holes with a spatula and wait until dry. Once ready glue the area with the appropriate adhesive with a spatula preferably plastic with notices you have made in it with a hacksaw. Wait until the glue goes tacky. Place the replacement plank in. Smooth it down with your hand. You may need to heat it slightly to sit better and rub it down with a hand roller or with a damp cloth or both.
  • Do vinyl planks require underlay?
    No underlay is required vinyl planks making them quieter, easy to replace and waterproof opposed to timber and hybrid flooring options. Additionally, no expansion joints, skirting or beading either.
  • Can vinyl planks be installed over slate?
    Yes, you can but they need to be primed and self-levelled first. If possible, we recommend removing the slate first. See below links to post on our Facebook page on self-levelling over slate and removing slate.;gNyIBo0UC6rnTMsLhTwQNFjwLyHDoaRF8g~-.bps.a.495276287265696/1343834035743246/?type=3&theater
  • How to clean vinyl planks?
    Vinyl planks are very easy to clean and maintain. Best way to clean vinyl planks is with a damp dry mop with warm to hot water with cleaning spirts inside. Cleaning spirts can be used neat to remove difficult stains. Wet mops can be used but dry is better and steam mops can’t be used.
  • What is the difference between vinyl planks and laminate bamboo and timber flooring?
    Vinyl planks are a much better and longer lasting product than laminate bamboo and timber flooring. Surprisingly it's hard to distinguish the difference between vinyl planks and timber flooring by looking at it once installed but there is some big difference between them. Vinyl Planks are more wear resistant. Easier to clean and maintain. Much quieter and softer underfoot. Also if you get a water leak, vinyl planks are waterproof. If you need to replace one it's very easy to do, unlike timber flooring where you have have to remove the skirting or beading and pull boards apart one by one in rows to get to the damaged boards and put it all back together again. Doors don't require trimming and the base of your door frames don't require to be cut. Expansion joints are not required every 10m (which most installers don't do) and 10mm gap around the perimeter is not required with vinyl planks. Depending on your walls almost all houses/businesses do not require skirting or beading as you do with timber flooring. There is no expensive and dusty ongoing upkeep (sanding and sealing) with vinyl planks like there is with timber flooring. And they do not dent peck buckle swell or warp. We remove a lot of timber flooring for insurance companies and install vinyl planks which are preferred by them, mainly caused by water leaks because vinyl planks are waterproof trouble free. There are also a lot more colours to choose from than timber products. For example, one natural wood pattern can have several different colour variations.
  • What is the difference between vinyl planks and hybrid planks?
    We stock hybrid planks but we don't recommend them and rarely sell them. The reasons why is they are hard to replace. They require a gap around the perimeter and beading or skirting to cover the gap. To install hybrid planks door frames require to be cut at the base possibly weakening the stucture of the property. They can pull apart because of the gap around the perimeter. They are not fully waterproof because of the gap around the perimeter. They are harder and noisier(hollow) underfoot than modular vinyl panks. Hydrid planks are an interlocking click together like timber flooring making them hard to replace and easily damaged when trying to replace them. Like timber flooring, hybrid planks require door frames to be cut at the base and a 10mm gap around the perimeter and beading or skirting to cover the gap. The beading or skirting needs to be removed to replace damaged plank/s. The planks need to be pulled apart one by one in rows without damaging the interlocking tabs to get to the damaged plank/s and all put it all back together again. It takes a long time and most need to pay a professional to do it who are hard to find and expensive especially for repairs. Because there are gaps around the perimeter it's possible the planks can pull apart and get damaged in the process. If this happens years later they may not be replacement planks available. Athough hybrid planks are waterproof its possible water can seep through the gaps around the perimeter and mould can form underneath causing allergies. People including retail sales stafff and flooring installers don't fully realise floor preparations are still required with all floor covering epecially vinyls. Some like carpet cover imperfections better than others. But that doesn't mean ideally subfloors shouldn't be prepared properly first. Hybrid planks especially alike other forms of interlocking click together timber flooring products are not a miracle product that can go over imperfections. If installed over an uneven subfloor you will eventually see it. You will feel it and its highly likely the planks will eventually damage and pull apart. We find hybrid planks are only a good option when customers want to take the risk of not preparing their subfloor properly. But they are definitley a better option than timber floor options like laminate. We highly recommend modular vinyl planks over any other types of floor coverings.

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